A server is a servant of God who assists in serving the community meal (the Eucharist). A server serves the people of God by representing all members of the congregation gathered together to share in the Eucharist. He or she also serves the Priest by assisting at the altar. It is a special honour to be called to serve at the altar and there are certain responsibilities attached to this honour.

For more info contact the parish office at 506-328-4304.  We would love to hear from you!


Wears red medallion on red ribbon.

The server-in-training wears a red medallion over a white servers alb.

Parents, please ensure that the server-in-training is vested and prepared for the service five minutes before the service is to start (ex 10:25 am). This includes being robed, light candles, have a bulletin, set up any chairs that are needed and find pages in the Book of Alternative Services (BAS) and hymns in the book of Common Praise.  When on duty, the server-in-training stays upstairs for the entire service. 

Duties of Server-in-Training:

He or she must be able to, safely and without aid, light and extinguish the candles.  This will be done with prior instruction.

The server-in-training will receive the offering, turn and face the altar for the prayer over the gifts, and place the offering plate/s on the altar near the candle at the right-hand corner of the altar.

He or she will be learning how to follow along with the service, focusing on the ‘gathering of the community’ and ‘the dismissal of the community’.

Once these duties can be done with confidence, the server-in-training will then learn to carry the processional cross.  Once they can carry the cross with ease, they graduate to Acolyte.

Experienced server

An Acolyte wears a blue medallion on blue ribbon over a white server's alb. 

All acolytes are to be vested and prepared for the service five minutes before the service is to start (ex 10:25 am). This includes being robed, light candles, have a bulletin, set up any chairs that are needed and find pages in the Book of Alternative Services (BAS) and hymns in the book of Common Praise

Duties of an Acolyte

He or she serves as Crucifer, carrying the processional cross, leading the acolytes, choir, lay readers, and clergy in and out of the service.

An Acolyte will stay upstairs for the whole service. When a server-in-training is present, they will light and extinguish the candles.  However, if they are not, the Acolyte will do it. The Acolyte will also receive the offering; and during a Eucharist, assist the celebrant in preparing the altar and in doing the ablutions.

Whenever there is a baptism, the Acolyte may lead the baptism procession to and from the font.

Head Acolyte
Head server - most experienced.

The head server/acolyte wears a red medallion on a gold ribbon over a white servers alb.

The Head Server is to be vested and prepared for the service ten minutes before the service is to start (ex 10:20 am). This includes being robed, light candles, have a bulletin, set up any chairs that are needed and find pages in the Book of Alternative Services (BAS) and hymns in the book of Common Praise

Duties of Head Server:

The Head Server is responsible for assisting the servers and servers-in-training, and help with their instruction and supervision. The training will be done in conjunction with the Incumbent. The Head Server is appointed by the Incumbent.

When servers or servers-in-training are present, the head server will assist the priest with the preparation of the altar and the ablutions. 

When no other servers are present, the head server does all the duties, including lighting and extinguishing the candles, carrying the cross, receiving the offering, and assisting with Holy Eucharist.

Whenever there is a baptism, the head server will lead the baptism procession to and from the font.